Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Successful Mindset; What it is and how to improve it.

What is 'Mindset'

'Mindset' refers to your inner beliefs, thoughts and attitudes. It is what you think and say to yourself on a constant basis. 

An athlete's mindset controls their mental dialog (inner thoughts to themselves) and their ability to be positive and confident.  
In sports, mindset directly impacts 'mental toughness'. 

Lets consider the above cartoon and how different mindsets can affect this athlete's response to the situation: 
  • An athlete with a strong mindset would continue to pursue the challenge, learning and improving from each failed attempt until they succeed. 
  • An athlete with a weak mindset may choose to give up, making excuses or placing blame on someone and something else.
We can see how an athlete's mindset can play a large role on how successful they become.

Can We Change It?

What most people don't understand is that our mindset is a learned behavior. It can be taught and improved through some disciplined thought and mental training practice. 

Think about mindset as a type of language (it is the language we use in our heads). Different situations require you to use a variety of language styles. For example, when you are hanging out with friends you may use curse words or slang more often versus being at work or in class where you have to use a more appropriate choice of words. Over time we automatically learn how filter our language to fit our environment. Sometimes it was through punishment and other times through praise.

Your personal mindset can be taught and improved in the same way as your choice of words. Every time you have a negative thought, teach yourself to erase it right away and replace it with a positive one. When you have positive thoughts, build on them with even more positive thinking. It may take some time but you will be surprised how much your internal thoughts can improve with a little effort and discipline.

Growing Your Mindset

One of the most influential minds in this field of psychology is Carol S. Dweck who shared some of her research in the book 'Mindset; The new psychology of success'. The book explains that there are two predominant types of mindsets: growth mindsets and fixed mindsets.

Like many things in life, one type seems to be more effective than the other. 

People with growth mindsets believe that they can improve through practice and experience. They put effort into learning and improving, rather than only focusing on the results. Athletes with the growth mindset tend to rely on hard work instead of talent.

On the contrary, people with fixed mindsets assume that their qualities (both mental and physical) are unchangeable. They believe that they are either good or bad; or that they either have mental toughness or they don't. Athletes with the fixed mindset will tend to rely on their 'natural abilities' to carry them in their sport. 

Having a growth mindset or fixed mindset isn't a 'one or the other' quality. As Carol Dweck points out, "There is a little of each in all of us." 

Although, the more we teach ourselves to respond with a growth mindset in everyday situations, the more we will naturally think that way when things get tough. 

The Mindset of an Athlete

An athletes mindset plays a huge role in their effort, motivation, and confidence. The dangerous 'fixed mindset' can limit an athletes ability to overcome challenges and obstacles. The athlete becomes more worried about results and how others will perceive them, rather than simply focusing on the task at hand.

By having a 'growth mindset', the athlete can relieve themselves of pressure and expectations that come during big games. Every situation becomes a learning experience where they can take pride in giving their best effort and not just on the result. Success for athletes with a growth mindset is continuous as they push themselves to be better everyday and resist complacency.

The young athlete in the cartoon had not yet learned to control his mindset. Hopefully the coach had some encouraging words for him.

Picture yourself in a similar situation, where you just can't seem to reach your goal. How will you respond, how will your mindset aid your success?

Friday, April 1, 2016

How Training is Changing

Once in a while someone will forward me an email outlining the Toronto Maple Leaf's training camp schedule from 1962. After stating that "Golf will be a must", the letter says that all players must be able to do a minimum of; 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, and 30 knee bends.

Click here to view the training camp invitation

I can't say for sure that I know what a 'knee bend' is but I can definitely tell you that times have changed.

It may seem surprising but this was the pre-season training camp for the defending Stanely Cup champions and eventual Cup winners that season. Back then the training that athletes went through to prepare for their sport was minimal to none existent. 

Making a good athlete great.

Over the years strength and conditioning have become increasingly important to what makes a good athlete great. Natural athletic ability will only get an athlete so far before the training and preparation of their peers will catch up to them. Since the 80's and 90's elite athletes are spending more and more time training in the weight room in addition to their practice in the field. Today, 'strength and conditioning coaches' are now an essential part of most college and high-school athletic departments.


What's next?

Since nearly all athletes supplement their practice with training in the weight room, athletes today are beginning to turn to 'mental training' for a competitive advantage. It has long been known that the mental traits of an athlete play a large role in their success. I'm sure we've all heard someone say a variation of the, 'sports are 90% mental and only 10% physical' line. My personal favorite is from Wayne Gretzky;

      "Ninety percent of hockey is mental and the other half is physical."

Most professional organizations have realized this, as nearly all teams employ or are affiliated with a sports psychologist. Many elite athletes now include mental training as a part of their regular training regimen. 


ProMinded - Mental Training for Athletes

Providing a competitive advantage and helping athletes achieve their potential are the primary goals of ProMinded. The training includes sport psychology knowledge and training techniques in ways that athletes can actually learn from and apply to their sport. Just like physical skills, mental skills can be learned and improved through practice.

As athlete's training continues to evolve, don't be surprised to see sport psychologists having a large role in athlete development in the near future.