

Your Competitive Advantage Starts Here!

All athletes strive to gain a competitive edge over their peers. With mental training growing in popularity and effectiveness, now is your time to invest in what has long been known to be the most important aspect of any sport - the mental game

Techniques such as visualization, self-talk, goal setting, thought re-framing, and meditation have been researched in sport situations for almost 50 years. These applied methods have consistently shown to have beneficial effects on athletes performance. 

The field of sport psychology is beginning to reach its professional potential so start taking advantage of mental training today! 

ProMinded takes a wealth of knowledge from both research and experience to provide athletes with mental training techniques that are easily applied to their sport and in life. This CNY based company was specifically developed to help improve athlete's performance and consistency though mental training methods. 
Whether your a professional, amateur or recreational athlete ProMinded is here to help improve your confidence, focus, mental toughness, and overall enjoyment of participating in your sport(s). 

For more information check out our 'What is ProMinded?' page or visit our Blog Posts for some insightful reading. 

You can Contact us here with any other questions and about our services.